Winged Messenger Nations: Birds in American Indian Oral Tradition
Jace DeCory
Jace Cuney DeCory is an enrolled member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, with family ties to other Lakota Nations. She is an Assistant Professor of American Indian Studies (AIS) at Black Hills State University in Spearfish, South Dakota. Jace has been with BHSU since January 1984 teaching in a wide variety of AIS courses for the College of Liberal AIS in the cross listed disciplines of history, sociology, anthropology and enthobotany. Jace has given hundreds of cultural presentations with her primary interests including Lakota history, art, philosophy, American Indian women and cultural change. Jace´s guiding forces are her two sons, Jr. and Dawson and her grandchildren. She enjoys beading baby moccasins for relatives and friends. Jace credits Lakota elders for providing guidance, prayers and support throughout her life. Jace has a BA in Anthropology with a concentration in American Indian Studies from University of North Dakota, a M.Ed in Counseling and Guidance from South Dakota State University and has done graduate work through the University of Washington in Seattle.